Quick Journal Review: Should you use T2* or SWI sequences to detect cerebral microbleeds.Which sequence is more sensitive?
Journal Article: SWI or T2*: Which MRI Sequence to Use in the Detection of Cerebral Microbleeds? The Karolinska Imaging Dementia Study S. Shams et al AJNR 36:1089–95 Jun 2015
Intro: Different sequences can be used to detect hemosiderin. Which is the most sensitive? Which one should you use?
Findings: SWI sequences are more sensitive in detecting micro bleeds than T2* imaging.
Conclusion: Due to the increased detection of microbleeds, we recommend SWI as the sequence of choice in microbleed detection.
Images below demonstrate better visibility of hemosiderin on the SWI sequence compared to the T2* sequence.( Image from reference article above).